Advertising Opportunities

Journal of Dental Research 

The JDR offers both print and online advertising opportunities.  Please see the 2016 JDR Media Kit.  

For more information please contact:

Cameron Shannon

Associate Account Executive

SAGE Publications Inc.

2455 Teller Road

Thousand Oaks, CA 91320

Phone: 805-410-7313

Fax: 805-375-5282

Email: [email protected]

Meeting Program Book

The Program is published in conjunction with each scientific meeting. It is the delegate’s single source for complete information on the General Session


Cover 2 $3,150
Cover 3 $3,150
Cover 4 $3,700
Page Opposite Table of Contents $3,150
Page Opposite First Page of Scientific Program $3,150
Page One $3,150
Full Page (b/w) $1,650
Half Page (b/w) $1,100
Four-color (in addition to above b/w rates) $1,050

PLEASE NOTE: All ads requested on specific pages (except Covers 2, 3 and 4) are available at a 15% additional fee. 

Agency Discounts

Agency commission: 10% of gross billing is allowed to recognized advertising agencies on display space and color. No cash discount.

Global Research Update (GRU)

The GRU is a monthly e-newsletter published by the IADR and distributed to over 12,000 members worldwide.  Advertising is available in each issue on a first-come, first-served basis.  All advertisements must be submitted by the second Thursday each month.  Electronic files at 120 x 350 pixel are accepted in a gif or jpg format.  No animation or flash. 

1 issue $500
3 issues $1,200
6 issues $2,000
Special post meeting issue $750

For more information on Program Book or GRU advertising contact:

Kasey McNeil


Phone: +1.703.299.8093

Fax: +1.703.548.1883

Email: [email protected]