IADR Aubrey Sheiham Award for Distinguished Research in Dental Public Health Sciences


The Executive Committee of the Behavioral, Epidemiologic and Health Services Research Group (BEHSR) of IADR announces the Aubrey Sheiham Award for Distinguished Research in Dental Public Health Sciences. This award recognizes a single research paper published between January 1, 2015 and October 31, 2015, in the field of dental public health; both applied and basic research papers are eligible.

The Aubrey Sheiham Award for Distinguished Research in Dental Public Health Sciences is intended to recognize excellence in dental public health research. This field includes research in epidemiology, biostatistics, health services, community-based prevention or health promotion, environmental health, health economics or health policy as applied to dentistry. The senior author is the recipient of the plaque and check, but all of the authors are recognized. b Professor Aubrey Sheiham is Emeritus Professor of Dental Public Health in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London, London, United Kingdom. His work is characterized by a public health imperative and recognition that most chronic diseases have risk factors in common and that health behaviors related to those risks factors are socially determined and unequally distributed within and between countries. To actively reduce health and oral health inequalities, Aubrey has challenged upstream forces of chronic diseases, the sugars and food and drink industries. His over 400 publications are frequently cited. He was awarded Honorary Doctorates by University of Athens and University of Western Cape and IADR Distinguished Scientists Awards in Behavioral Sciences and Health and the American Association of Public Health Special Merit Award for Outstanding Achievement in Community Dentistry. 


The award committee will accept self nominations or nominations by others until December 1, 2015. The paper should be accompanied by a brief letter describing why it is deemed worthy of the award. Nominations will be acknowledged by email. One of the primary authors for the manuscript selected for the award should be present at the appropriate IADR General Session to accept the award. If this is not possible someone should be designated to accept the award on their behalf. The senior author of the award will serve as one of the five judges for the two years following receipt of the awad, and will not be permitted to compete for the award during that two-year period.


The senior author will receive a cash award of $350, but all of the authors will be recognized.

Award deadline: December 1, 2015.

Please send nominations or enquiries to:

Lisa Jamieson, President

Email: [email protected]


Supported by the BEHSR Group.

Contributions toward the establishment of a fund in Dr. Sheiham’s honor, dedicated to the support of this annual award, are most welcome.

2015 Recipient

Edwardo Bernabe and Aubrey Sheiham. Age, Period and Cohort Trends in Caries of Permanent Teeth in Four Developed Countries.

2014 Recipient

Sanders A, Slade G. State cigarette excise tax, secondhand smoke exposure, and periodontitis in US nonsmokers. Am J Public Health. 2013;103:740-746.

2013 Recipient

Shanbhag S, Dahiya M, Croucher R. The impact of periodontal therapy on oral health-related quality of life in adults: a systematic review. J Clin Periodontol 2012; 39: 725–735.

2012 Recipient:

Milson KM, Blinkhorn AS, Walsh T, Worthington HV, Kearney-Mitchell P, Whitehead H, Tickle M. A cluster-randomized controlled trial: fluoride varnish in school children. J Dent Res. 2011 Nov;90(1):1306-11.

2011 Recipient:

Sanders AE, Slade GD, John MT, Steele JG, Suominen-Taipale AL, Lahti S, Nuttall NM, Allen PF for the paper, A cross-national comparison of income gradients in oral health quality of life in four welfare states: application of the Korpi and Palme typology. J Epidemiol Community Health. July 2009; 63(7): 569-74. Epub April 6 2009. PubMed PMID: 19351621.

2010 Recipient:

Peter Milgrom, DDS; Kiet A. Ly, MD, MPH; Ohnmar K. Tut, BDS; Lloyd Mancl, PhD; Marilyn C. Roberts, PhD; Kennar Briand, MBBS; and Mary Jane Gancio for the paper, Xylitol Pediatric Topical Oral Syrup to Prevent Dental Caries: A Double-blind Randomized Clinical Trial of Efficacy. ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/VOL 163 (NO. 7), JULY 2009.

2009 Recipient:

Anne E. Sanders, Sungwoo Lim and Woosung Sohn for the paper, Resilience to Urban Poverty: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations for Population Health. American Journal of Public Health, June 2008; 98(6): 1101-1106.