IADR Prosthodontics Research Group Pre-Prosthetic Regenerative Science Award for Young Investigators


The award recognizes original research by new investigators in the multidisciplinary field of pre-prosthetic or prosthodontics-related regenerative science, including, but not limited to,  tissue engineering, bone, tooth and soft-tissue regenerative sciences, graft materials research, maxillofacial reconstructive biology and physiology and implant biological research. The awards are co-sponsored by the IADR Prosthodontics Research Group and Japan Prosthodontic Society.


The abstract must be presented within the Prosthodontics Research Group Session (either oral or poster presentation) of the IADR General Session, and the research presented must not have been published or considered for publication prior to the date of abstract submission. Researchers carrying out original research are eligible for the award if they have been the primary author of no more than three articles published in refereed scientific journals.


Research submitted for the 2016 IADR General Session & Exhibition is eligible for consideration for the award. Abstracts must be submitted on-line to the Prosthodontics Research Group Session by January 19, 2016. Finalists for the award will be selected from the abstracts accepted for the General Session, and requested to submit a 5-page extended abstract in order to compete, under the condition that the finalist meets the eligibility mentioned above.  The finalists for Frechetter Competition will be excluded from the pool of the Pre-Prosthetic Regenerative Science Award finalists, whereas the applicants for the Frechette Competition who are not selected as its finalist will be considered. The extended abstracts will be judged for originality and scientific design of the research, and the scientific merit.


All awards will be presented during the annual business meeting of the PRG during the IADR General Session & Exhibition in Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 22-25, 2016.The following awards will be given:

1st Place- $1,000

2nd Place-$500

For further information concerning this award, please contact:

Takahiro Ogawa

The Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology Division of Advanced Prosthodontics, Biomaterials and Hospital Dentistry UCLA School of Dentistry

10833 Le Conte Avenue

Box 951668, CHS, B3-088H

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1668

Email: [email protected]

2013 Recipients

First Place:

Fangfang Wang “Transcriptional Activation of Amelogenin Enhances Osteogenesis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells”

Second Place:

Brigitte Altmann for “Three-dimensional cell culture of human alveolar osteoblasts in microchipbased bioreactors”

2011 Recipients

First Place:

Ken Ishizaki

Second Place:

Dr. William Custodio

2010 Recipients

First Place:

Sho Fukuyasu

Second Place:

Mizuho Sasaki