IADR Heraeus Kulzer Travel Award

Supported by Heraeus

Deadline: January 19, 2016







Past Recipients


The IADR is inviting applications from young investigators who have submitted an abstract which has a dental materials component for a travel award to support their attendance at the IADR General Session. The objective of this award program is to encourage young investigators to undertake research in new/innovative testing methods of dental materials, and new ideas and approaches to improve and develop dental materials.


  • Young investigators (up to five years post-graduation from dental, material science, specialty training, or pre-PhD) are eligible to apply for a travel award. (No persons having already obtained a PhD are eligible to apply.)
  • Entrants must provide a verification letter of their educationalstatus.
  • In addition, entrants can only receive an IADR Heraeus Kulzer Travel Award  once.
  • Applicants MUST be IADR members.


  • To apply you must select the IADR Heraeus Kulzer Travel Award  and fill out the eligibility requirements when submitting your abstract for the IADR General Session & Exhibition by the January 19, 2016 deadline.
  • Applicants must also submit a separate and more detailed overview of their projects (2 pages, double-spaced).
  • This overview must include brief details of their material and methods, the results of the research including details of statistical analysis, and a brief discussion including how the research will affect the field of dental materials.


In 2016, five (5) awards will be granted—one person from each of the following regions: North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa/Middle East; and the Asia/Pacific Region. Please see IADR Website for countries included in Regions.  The winner of each award will receive US $2,500 for expenses to attend the IADR General Session & Exhibition.


All abstracts submitted for the IADR General Session are subject to peer review within the scientific groups of the IADR. Once the abstracts which are the basis of an application for a travel award have been accepted for presentation, they will be grouped into the regional categories outlined above and subject to an adjudication process by the IADR Heraeus Kulzer Travel Award Committee.


The Award is supported by a generous donation from Heraeus Kulzer. 


Sheri S. Herren, Strategic Programs Manager (email: [email protected]).



2015 Recipients

Eliseu Munchöw, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil

Kyle Serkies, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Alaa Turkistani, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan

Dongyun Wang, Academic Center for Dentistry, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ahmed Zaghloul, The British University, Cairo, Egypt


2014 Recipients

Anas Faraj Aljabo, University College London, England, UK

Jamila Mohamed Almuhamadi, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, England, UK

Olivia A. Osiro, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Taneka Taylor-Jones, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Jiajun Zhu, The University of Hong Kong, SAR, China


2013 Recipients

Yang Xia

NanJing Medical University, China

Kelly Sayre

Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA

Pedro Henrique Corazza

Universidade Estadual Paulista

Jean-François Nguyen

Université Paris Descartes, France

Xi Chen

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA


2012 Recipients

Yoshio Abe

Western University, Ontario, London, Canada

Araceli Acevedo Contreras

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Paula Benetti

UNESP, SP, Brasil

Juliano de Pierri

UNESP, SP, Brasil

Alexander Stepuk

ETH Zurich, Switzerland


2011 Recipients:

Carina S. Castellan

University of São Paulo, Brazil

Nathaniel Lawson

University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

Neshka Manchorova-Veleva

Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Giulio Marchesi

University of Trieste, Italy

Hiroyuki Miyajima

Osaka University, Japan


2010 Recipients:

Jonathan Y. An

University of Washington, Seattle, USA

Yu Furuya

Osaka University, Suita, Japan

Mohammed Hadis

University of Birmingham, UK

Philipp Kohorst

Hannover Medical School, Germany

Sybele Saska

Universidado Estadual Paulista, Araraquara, Brazil