Scientific Session Sponsorships


The Scientific Session Sponsorships have been created in response to feedback from members and current sponsors who believe that supporting the science reinforces the purpose and goal of the meeting, and the mission of the AADR. 








As the Premier sponsor of the Scientific Session, a company will receive optimum visibility:

  • Three complimentary meeting registrations (ticketed events excluded). Value: $2,595.
  • Complimentary color 1/2 page ad in Program Book.
  • Company name and logo on specialized signage throughout Scientific Session events.
  • Company recognized as Diamond Sponsor on Welcome Slide before Oral Presentations.
  • Company logo prominently displayed in all Scientific Session marketing materials including registration brochure, Program Book and AADR event website.
  • Direct link to sponsor company website from Scientific Session meeting page on AADR website.
  • Reserved seating at Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
  • Company logo on signage throughout convention center.
  • Company logo featured on email promotions for Scientific Session.
  • Opportunity to select preferred exhibit booth space.
  • 4 tickets to attend President’s Reception.
  • 5% off additional booth space (after purchase of 1st booth).
  • Opportunity to distribute promotional item to guests at HQ hotel (includes distribution fees only).

As a Gold level sponsor of the Scientific Session, a company will receive:


  • Two complimentary meeting registrations (ticketed events excluded). Value: $1,730.
  • Complimentary color 1/2 page ad in Program Book.
  • Company name and logo on specialized signage throughout Scientific Session events.
  • Company recognized as Gold Sponsor on Welcome Slide before Oral Presentations.
  • Company logo displayed in all Scientific Session marketing materials including registration brochure, Program Book and AADR event Website.
  • Direct link to sponsor company website from Scientific Session meeting page (on AADR website).
  • Reserved seating at Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
  • Company logo on signage throughout convention center.
  • Company logo featured on email promotions for Scientific Session.
  • Opportunity to select preferred exhibit booth space.
  • 2 tickets to attend President’s Reception.


As a Silver level sponsor of the Scientific Session, a company will receive:

  • One complimentary meeting registration (ticketed events excluded). Value: $865.
  • Company name and logo on specialized signage throughout Scientific Session events.
  • Company recognized as Silver Sponsor on Welcome Slide before Oral Presentations.
  • Company logo displayed in all Scientific Session marketing materials including registration brochure, Program Book and AADR event website.
  • Direct link to sponsor company website from Scientific Session meeting page (on AADR website).
  • Reserved seating at Opening and Closing Ceremonies.


Reserve your Sponsorship TODAY to receive premium benefit!

Contact:  Kasey McNeil at [email protected] or call +1.703.299.8093.


General Sponsorship Opportunities

Industry Sponsored Symposium

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