Deadline: January 19, 2016
The award recognizes clinically focused and patient centered original research. The award is co-sponsored by the IADR Prosthodontics Research Group (PRG) and funded by a bursary to the group. The award recognizes the life time work of Neal Garrett and matches his efforts in patient centered care. The award is sponsored by Premium Dental Editing LLC.
An abstract must be presented within the Prosthodontics Research Group Poster Session of the IADR General Session, and the research presented must not have been published or considered for publication prior to the date of abstract submission. Researchers carrying out original research are eligible for the award if they have been the primary author of no more than three articles published in refereed scientific journals.
Research submitted for the IADR 94th General Session & Exhibition in Seoul, Republic of Korea, is eligible for consideration for the award. Abstracts must be submitted online to the Prosthodontics Research Group, as a poster presentation, and the award must be selected from the list of IADR Group Awards in order to be considered for this award.
Entrants for the award must send a five (5) page extended abstract on their work and will be judged on the quality and originality of their poster presentation. The extended abstracts will be judged for originality and scientific design of the research, and the scientific merit.
All awards will be presented during the annual business meeting of the PRG during the IADR 94th General Session & Exhibition in Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 2016. The following award will be given:
1st Place- $500
Please send the five (5) page extended abstract (by January 19, 2016 deadline) to:
Professor David Bartlett
Floor 25, Tower Wing
Guy’s Campus
London SE1 9RT
Telephone +44 (0)20 7188 5390