This is your chance to win money for your local SRG!
$100 Prize |
Best local Student Research Group newsletter (print and email newsletters are both eligible) |
$200 Prize |
The school that recruits the most new AADR student members from their local SRG. |
$200 Prize |
The school that recruits the greatest percentage of new AADR student members. (relative to the number of students in the dental school) |
The newsletter and new member category deadline is December 11, 2015. Winners will be acknowledged and awarded at the National Student Research Group business meeting during the 2016 AADR/CADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Los Angeles, California. Submit newsletter samples to the address listed below.
Christopher Flow
AADR Headquarters
1619 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-3406
Phone: +1.703.299.8096
Fax: +1.703.548.1883
Email: [email protected]