
IADR Journals


Journal of Dental Research

The JDR ranks #1 in the Two-Year Journal Impact Factor rankings with a rating of 4.139,  #1 in Eigenfactor® Score with a score of 0.021370 in ranked journals in the “Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine” category. This news comes from the 2015 Release of Journal Citation Reports® with “Source: 2014 Web of ScienceTM Data”. The Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine was merged into the Journal of Dental Research in 2004. You may access CROBM content with your JDR subscription. 

Submit to the JDR Access the JDR Online

JDR Clinical & Translational Research

The JDR Clinical & Translational Research is slated to be published quarterly in 2016. The peer-reviewed journal is dedicated to publishing original dental, oral and craniofacial research at the interface between discovery science and clinical application with the translation of research into healthcare delivery systems at the individual patient, clinical practice, and community levels.

Call for Papers

Submit to the JDR CTR Access the JDR CTR Online

Advances in Dental Research

Advances in Dental Research, an e-supplement to the JDR that covers all areas of dental, oral and craniofacial research. Advances supplements can include conference proceedings, workshops and symposia. Advances issues are approved by the JDR Editor-in-Chief and can include participation by a Guest Editor expert of the proposed Advances e-supplement.  

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