IADR DMG Science Awards

Peyton-Skinner Award

Ryge-Mahler Award

The Dental Materials Group (DMG) of the IADR makes two annual awards in recognition of the past contributions to Dental Materials science and research by four outstanding DMG scientists: Dr. Floyd Peyton, Dr. Eugene Skinner, Dr. Gunnar Ryge and Dr. David Mahler. The awards are made to recognize scientists who throughout their careers have made outstanding contributions to (1) innovation in dental materials (Peyton-Skinner award) and, (2) clinical research in dental materials (Ryge-Mahler award).


Nominations for the Peyton-Skinner award for innovation and Ryge-Mahler award for clinical research can be made by anyone but MUST include the following:

1. Nominee must be a current or past member of the IADR Dental Materials Group.

2. Nominations must include a Curriculum Vitae that provides supporting evidence that the nominee has made significant contributions to innovation in dental materials (Peyton-Skinner award) or clinical research in dental materials (Ryge-Mahler award).

3. A letter of nomination should highlight the major reasons and body of research/innovation for which the individual is being nominated. Work considered for this award should have resulted in publications in scientific, peer-reviewed journals and/or patents.


A plaque of recognition and cash award in the amount of $2,000 will be made for each award. The cash award is intended to provide travel and other support related to attending the IADR annual meeting and receiving the award in person at the DMG business meeting or reception.


A committee will review individuals newly nominated and those not selected during the last three successive selection periods. The award recipient will be formally announced during the business meeting of the Dental Materials Group at the IADR General Session & Exhibition and honored during the reception that follows. The committee may elect not to present an award if there is not an appropriate nominee.

Note: Past recipients of the IADR Wilmer Souder Award are not eligible, but acceptance of either of these two awards does not disqualify one for the Wilmer Souder Award.

Deadline for nominations: January 15, 2016.


The Award is supported by the Dental Materials Group of the IADR.

Please send nominations electronically to Dr. E. Dianne Rekow, Chair of the Awards Committee of the DMG-IADR ([email protected])

Previous Recipients

Year: Ryge-Mahler 

Award Winner:


Award Winner:

2015 Thomas Hilton Christopher Bowman
2014 Stephen R. Jefferies Chris Angeletakis
2013 Reinhard Hickel Joe Oxman
2012 Van Thompson Sumita Mitra
2010 Stephen Bayne Kuzuo Hirota
2008 Jack Mitchem Joe Tucillo
2006 Joe Dennison Byoung Suh
2003 Karl F. Leinfelder Robert Erickson
2001 John Osborne Robert Probst
1998 Malcolm Jendressen Robert Neiman
1995 Joseph P. Moffa Clyde E. Ingersoll
1992 Gerald T. Charbeneau [None presented]