About the AADR NSRG

Statement of Purpose:

The AADR National Student Research Group (NSRG) is a student-run organization whose main purpose is to foster an environment in every dental school whereby students interested in enriching their dental education through research are encouraged to do so.  It is composed of a network of self-governing local student research group (SRG) chapters at each dental school and is led nationally by officers elected through a majority of votes from all members.


The NSRG serves to:

  • Provide student researchers with a national voice, and encourage local SRG participation,

  • Provide a means for student researchers to promote/expand their interests on a local as well as a national level,

  • Act as a support network linking all dental schools and their research programs,

  • Help students generate funds and ideas necessary to better the field of dentistry through new and inventive research,

  • Promote student participation in dental research and its related disciplines,

  • Promote the advancement of dental research and related aspects,

  • Further the aims and objectives of the AADR and IADR as they relate to student research, and

  • Foster awareness of research and training opportunities in academic dentistry.


A major goal of the NSRG at present is to help dental students across the nation establish chapters and encourage participation in their respective schools, to ensure that research is seen as a vital aspect of dentistry. Our hope is that all schools will recognize the benefits of incorporating research into their curricula and will choose to do so formally or through local SRGs.