Recruit new members and earn incentives!
The Member-Get-A-Member campaign is designed to help current IADR/AADR members encourage their non-member colleagues to join the Associations in an effort to grow and strengthen the membership.
This incentivized program not only encourages new colleagues to join and partake in the IADR/AADR member benefits, but it also rewards current members for their successful recruitment efforts! Members will receive a prize at the highest incentive level. Multiple prizes will not be issued unless otherwise stated. At the conclusion of the campaign, all members who successful participated will be emailed a certificate recognizing them for the number of new members he or she recruited. All prizes will be issued at the conclusion of the campaign.
A flyer has been created to inform prospective members about IADR/AADR and the overall benefits. Recruiters may use the flyer in their promotional efforts. A sample email template is also available to members who want to contact prospective members and encourage them to join.
A PDF membership form specific to this campaign is available to recruiters, remember to use source 14GAM. To join online, please direct people to
Click here to download the 2014 AADR recruitment kit.
Campaign Period
April 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014
All AADR members (Member, Student Member, Retired Member and Affiliate Member) residing in the United States and its territories are eligible to participate in this campaign.
Definition of Recruited Member
Each member recruited must be a bona fide new Member or a Member who has not renewed in the past five years (since 2009). Members must join as either a Member or an Affiliate Member, and those members reactivating their membership must do so as a Member. New/renewing Student Members are not eligible for this campaign.
Bulk payments (i.e. multiple memberships paid by one funding source, such as a company or university) will be accepted. Bulk applications must be completed and sent with payment to the address below:
International & American Associations for Dental Research
Attn: IADR/AADR Get-a-Member Campaign
1619 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3406, USA
All applications and payments must be received by the June 30 deadline.
When members submit their application or renewal online, they must list the member who referred them to AADR as their recruiter, and also include the recruiter’s university or company affiliation.
Members only receive a prize at the highest incentive level. Multiple prizes will not be issued unless otherwise stated. At the conclusion of the campaign, all members who successful participated will be emailed a certificate recognizing them for recruiting # of new members. All prizes will be issued at the conclusion of the campaign.
1-2 Recruits: |
Name recognition in the AADR Science Advocate and on a special designated page on the AADR website. Name recognition will also be in meeting collateral: Program Book, Opening/Closing Ceremonies Slides.
3-9 Recruits: |
AADR Pen/highlighter/stylus combo.
10-19 Recruits: |
2015 AADR perpetual calendar. Plus a special lapel pin for pickup at the meeting registration counter.
20+ Recruits: |
Travel mug. Plus a special lapel pin for pickup at the meeting registration counter.
Top Prize (presented to the member who recruits the most new members):
$100 Visa gift card.
Grand Prize Drawing (all members who recruit a member are entered):
Travel package to the 2015 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session in Boston, Mass., USA, including:
One member registration for the General Session and IADR Academy.
Round-trip economy flight from your destination to Boston (flight not to exceed $1,000); and
Six nights hotel accommodation.
Grand prize recipient will be notified after the conclusion of the campaign.
The recruits of the raffle winner will also be entered into a smaller raffle to win a free 2015 meeting/IADR Academy registration.
Questions about the Member-Get-a-Member campaign may be directed to [email protected].