Supported by Septodont
In order to promote innovation in pulp biology research and to recognize outstanding research contributions by promising young investigators, the IADR Pulp Biology and Regeneration Group has instituted an award for the best pulp biology-related student research presented during the IADR General Session & Exhibition.
The award is open to clinical post graduate students or registered PhD students in continuity with a clinical program. The abstract must be presented within the PBRG sessions of the IADR General Session, in oral or poster format. Recipients of this award will be selected from submitted abstracts and presentation to a judging panel at the IADR General Session & Exhibition.
An abstract must be submitted to the Global Headquarters for the IADR General Session & Exhibition by the appropriate deadline, adhering to the usual submission procedures. In the awards section of the on-line abstract submission process, select “Pulp Biology and Regeneration Group Young Investigator Prize for Innovation.”
One award will be presented during the annual business meeting of the IADR PBR Group during the IADR General Session. The award will consist of a certificate of recognition and a monetary award of US $1,000.
An award sub-committee, nominated by the IADR PBR Group President will select the award winner based on the scientific merit of the abstract presentation at the meeting. All submissions and presentations will be scored using a set of criteria which includes: innovation; research methodology, scientific merit, and research relevance.
Deadline – January 19, 2016
For further information concerning this award, please contact the IADR PBR Group President:
Stephane Robert Simon