Oral Sessions, Symposia, Hands-on Workshops

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Hands-on Workshops

Work Smart: Salary Negotiation and Promotion in Dental Academia

Oral Sessions

Barriers to Oral Health Care

Cariology Research-Clinical & Epidemiological Studies I

Keynote Address; Diagnostic Sciences I

Adhesion to Indirect Restorations and Orthodontic Appliances

Color and Appearance (Esthetics) II

Keynote Address; Chipping of Veneering Ceramics in Zirconium Dioxide Fixed Dental Prosthesis

Keynote Address; Polymer Chemistry Relating to Photopolymerization

Global Oral Health Inequalities Research I


Bone Pathology and Regeneration

Chemotherapeutics and Plaque Control

Oral Medicine & Pathology I

Periodontal Research-Diagnosis/Epidemiology I

CAD-CAM Applications in Prosthodontics


E-Oral Health: International Research Perspectives

Migraine: Pathophysiology and Therapy

Orofacial Complications of Cancer Therapy and Management

The Salivary Microbiome and You

Thursday, March 17, 2016

8 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Hands-on Workshops

Documenting Obesity and Underweight in Clinical Dental Settings

Oral Sessions

Caries Risk Factors and Prevention

Latest Trends in Caries De- and Remineralization Research

Effect of Pre-treatments and Adhesive Components on Dental Bonding

Keynote Address; Color and Appearance (Esthetics) I

Mechanical Behavior of All-ceramic Restorations

Polymeric Materials for Biological Applications

Assessment of Teaching and Learning

Enamel and Dentin

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery I

Dental Pulp Progenitors, Perivascular Niche and Regenerative Dentinogenesis

Microbiome and Host Response

Candida Albicans Biofilms and Proteomics of Fluorosis

Stem Cells: From Biology to Clinical Trials


Emerging Technologies in the Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine Pipeline

Improving Health through Social Network Analysis, a Systems Science Method

Microbial Immune Subversion and Dissemination in Periodontitis

Moving Dental Composites Beyond Methacrylate-based Resins

Thursday, March 17, 2016

10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Hands-on Workshops

Better Inference in Dental Research: Navigating Causality, Bias and Precision

Oral Sessions

Developmental Disorders, Hospitalization, and Emergency Care

Keynote Address; Erosion, Demineralization/Remineralization

Diagnostic Sciences II

All-ceramic Restorations: Adhesion, Optical Properties, Wear and Fatigue

Keynote Address; Antimicrobial Restorative Materials

Keynote Address; Clinical Trials

Keynote Address; Failure of the Adhesive Interface: Analysis and Remedies

Implantology Research I


Antibacterial Protocols & Scaffolds to Improve Pulp Regeneration/Dental Pulp Cells Response to Polimers & Resins

Local and Systemic Effects of Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy

Performance and Precision of Prosthodontic Restorations

Keynote Address; Salivary Gland Development, Regeneration and its Clinical Application


Connect the Body to Oral Health

Distinctive Roles of Calcium and Phosphate in Mineralized Tissue Development

Molecular Basis of Odontogenic Neoplasia

Population Focused Delivery System Change to Benefit Low-Income Children

Precision Medicine for Oral Diseases Using Computational Predictive Technology

Friday, March 18, 2016

8 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Hands-on Workshops

Advocacy: Your Future Depends On It

Leadership Programs for Women: Developing Women Academic Leaders in Dentistry

Oral Sessions

Periodontal Disease, Tooth Loss, and Pregnancy

Detection, Risk Assessment & Others I

Craniofacial Development

Craniofacial Imaging

Keynote Address; Instruments and Equipment

Metal-based Materials and Other Materials I

Novel Monomers & Networks for Restorative Dental Materials

Scaffolds for Bone regeneration and Biofilms

Geriatric Oral Research II

Microbiology/Immunology-Oral Microbiota and the Microbiome

Oral Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment

Genetics and Host Response

Tooth Development, Biology and Microbiome

Novel Therapeutics for Familiar Ailments


Genetic Testing for Diagnosis and Novel Therapies for Oral Diseases

Implementation Science and Oral Health: Moving Evidence Into Practice

Scaffold Design: What is New for Dental Pulp Regeneration?

Friday, March 18, 2016

10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Hands-on Workshops

Good Clinical Practice Standards for Investigators and Clinical Research Teams

Open-source 3-D Image Analysis

Oral Sessions

Oral Health Related Quality of Life

Microbiological Studies/Biofilm I

Craniofacial Orthodontics

TMJ Biology and Disease

Commercially Available Restorative Materials

Keynote Address: Bioactivated Dental Materials

Keynote Address; Role of the Substrate on Dental Bonding

Student Performance, Curriculum Issues and Advocacy

Implantology Research II

Microbiology/Immunology-Host Bacterial Interactions I

Molecular Events in Mineralized Tissue Physiology and Pathology

Oral Medicine & Pathology II

PERIO – New Periodontal Therapies, In vitro and In vivo Studies

Restorative Modalities & Treatment Needs

Outcomes of Prosthodontic Treatments


Advances in Big Data: Implications for Dental Research

Contemporary Topics in Biofilm of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region

Early Recognition, Detection and Treatment of Non-cavitated Carious Lesions in Primary Dentition

Role of Neurogenesis and Angiogenesis in Dental Pulp Regeneration

Establishing a Learning Health System Within the National Dental PBRN

AADR/ADA: Bridging Research Evidence and Clinical Decision-making

Saturday, March 19, 2016

8 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Oral Sessions

Disparities, Health Literacy, and Oral Cancer

Cariology Research Fluoride I

Bone Remodeling

Clinical & Translational Science

Keynote Address: Biological Effects of Materials for Endodontic Therapies

Keynote Address; Dental Materials: Polymer-based Materials III

Universal Adhesives

Implantology Research III

Microbiology/Immunology-Bacterial-host Interactions II

Periodontal Complex

Oral and Systemic Health

Oral Medicine & Pathology III

Prevention, Dental Public Health and Special Populations

Saliva and Salivary Components for Therapeutic Approach


Oral Health and Aging: An Interprofessional Approach to Geriatric Dentistry

Preparing for an Academic Life After Training

Salivary Gland Stem Cells and Cancer: Connections?

The Cutting Edge of Tooth Morphogenesis and Regeneration

Therapeutic Ultrasound in Dentofacial Regeneration and Tissue Engineering.