11th IADR WORLD CONGRESS ON PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY Integrating multifactorial approaches towards prevention of oral cancer, dental caries, periodontal disease and other oral diseases.


OCTOBER 3-6, 2017

Delhi, India

Save the date for the 11th IADR World Congress on Preventive Dentistry and continue to visit www.iadr.org/wcpd for more details as they become available. 


January 4, 2017 Call for Abstracts & Symposia Proposals Open Online
April 11, 2017 Symposia Proposal Submission Deadline
May 15, 2017 Abstract Submission Deadline

Award/Competition Deadlines

Early July, 2017 Notification Letters Sent to Presenters
August 4, 2017 Presenter Pre-registration Deadline
September 19, 2017 Non-presenter Pre-registration Deadline